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Brasão da Universidade Federal do Ceará

Universidade Federal do Ceará
Mestrado em Ciências Cardiovasculares

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First thesis defense of the Graduate Program in Cardiovascular Sciences Published at: December 7, 2021. Category:News
It is with a great satisfaction that the Graduate Program in Cardiovascular Sciences announces the first thesis defense. The student João [...]

Qualification exams for students of the Master’s Degree in Cardiovascular Sciences – AUGUST/2021 Published at: September 2, 2021. Category:News
In 2019, on the second day of August, the inaugural class of the Master’s Degree in Cardiovascular Sciences took place. On the [...]

Graduate Program in Cardiovascular Sciences Published at: March 4, 2020. Category:News
The Graduate Program in Cardiovascular Sciences (PPGCardio) of the School of Medicine of the Federal University of Ceará offers the [...]

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